Community Goal: Alliance Outpost Campaign - Radio Sidewinder

Community Goal: Alliance Outpost Campaign

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

May 05

The Alliance has announced plans to construct a new outpost in the California Nebula and placed an open order for construction materials.
An Alliance spokesperson outlined the nature of the initiative:
“With the Federation and the Empire mired in hostility, it falls to the Alliance to pursue a more exploratory agenda. This new outpost will further that agenda by supporting our ongoing research in the California Nebula.”
“The Turner Research Group has generously offered to support this initiative, allowing us to reward pilots who deliver Geological Equipment, Micro-Weave Cooling Hoses, Building Fabricators and Energy Grid Assemblies to our base of operations at Darwin Research Facility in the California Sector BV-Y c7 system.”
The campaign begins on the 4th of May 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.Update from Galnet News

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