Care Package

Care Package

It’s a big Galaxy out there, and our technology is complex and constantly updating. Radio Sidewinder is always on the lookout for ways to help new Commanders to learn their way around their ships and our communities.

When reading guides or watching videos, you need to check the publication dates – while the basic facts stay the same, there have been some large changes, notably the “Horizons” upgrades in 3303/3304 that introduced planetary landing technology and the independent Engineers (at the same time that the Thargoids returned to human space), the release of Fleet Carriers in mid-3306, and most recently the “Odyssey” upgrades of 3307 that released additional personal spacesuit technology suitable for use in atmosphere environments.

In April 3309, the EDDB.IO galnet site announced it was shutting down, and directed users to, or

For up-to-date information, please come along to Radio Sidewinder’s public Discord service and ask for assistance!