President’s Approval Rating Rocketing
When Acting President Winters was replaced by Hudson, many political commentators questioned whether or not Congress was truly representing the will of the people. Just two weeks later and the latest poll results suggest Congress was right, and Hudson’s support is very strong indeed.
Almost 75% of Federal civilians who responded to the poll said that they support Hudson’s right to act as President of the Federation, with 68% saying that if there was an emergency election, they would vote to see Hudson retain office.
In order to capitalise on popular sentiment, the Republicans have announced their intention to open five new conference centres in Analave, Brani, Zaragas, Te Uira and Bhritzameno. At time of press, the deals look certain to go through in Bhritzameno and Zaragas, although Analave’s future less certain due to the large number of Liberal supporters who call the region their home.Update from Galnet News