Galactic News: Conflict in Colonia Ends - Radio Sidewinder

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Oct 27

Galactic News: Conflict in Colonia Ends

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Authorities in the Colonia system have confirmed that the conflict between The Nameless and the peacekeepers of the Colonia Council has come to an end.
Both factions received support from the galactic community, but ultimately there could only be one victor – the Colonia Council.
Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Jaques Station in the Colonia system.Update from Galnet News

Oct 26

Community Goal: The Hallowed Chapter of LHS 2094’s Apple-Bobbing Blowout

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

While Halloween is widely thought to have its roots in harvest festivals from Earth’s ancient past, in the modern era it is largely seen as an opportunity to unwind and share a drink with friends.
This year, the galaxy’s biggest Halloween party is taking place in the LHS 2094 system under the auspices of the Hallowed Chapter of LHS 2094. A range of traditional activities has been planned, including a game known as apple bobbing, although purists have been quick to point out that, “suspending oneself upside down in a vat of Leestian Evil Juice is most definitely not apple bobbing”.
To ensure the event is a success, the Hallowed Chapter of LHS 2094 has placed an open order for a range of commodities, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Patterson Vision in the LHS 2094 system.
A spokesperson for the Hallowed Chapter of LHS 2094 elaborated on the nature of the event:
“There’s a risk the festivities could be overshadowed by this whole Thargoid thing, but just because there are hostile aliens in Maia doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. I mean, the Thargoids are all the way out there…and the party is happening right here!”
The campaign begins on the 26th of October 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.Update from Galnet News

Oct 22

Community Goal: Conflict in Colonia

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Since it was founded in July 3302, the Colonia community has become a bastion of peace, seen by many as an island of calm in a sea of conflict.
But the region is not impervious to occasional outbreaks of violence, and as Colonia’s population grows, such outbreaks look likely to become more frequent.
The latest such incident involves The Nameless, a criminal faction based in the Carcosa system, which has started attacking ships in Colonia. In an effort to restore order, the Colonia Council has issued a call to aid, pledging to reward pilots who help reduce the criminals’ numbers. The Nameless has responded in kind, promising generous incentives to those who help fight the Colonia Council’s peacekeepers.
Both factions have set out week-long operations to achieve their aims, which will begin on the 19th of October 3303.Update from Galnet News

Oct 21

Galactic News: Fourth Aegis Campaign Concludes

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

The fourth phase of Aegis’ campaign to counter the Thargoid threat has come to an end. Hundreds of independent pilots supported the initiative by taking to their ships to deliver commodities to Cremona Prospect. The materials will be used to test and mass-produce a shutdown-field neutraliser, developed by engineer Elvira Martuuk, which will counter the Thargoids’ ability to disable human spacecraft.
Martuuk released a brief statement to the media:
“I want to thank those who hauled stuff out to Cremona Prospect. I just hope the tech I’ve developed will make a difference to the Commanders on the front lines.”
Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Cremona Prospect in the Khun system.
Update from Galnet News

Oct 21

Galactic News: Aegis Expanding

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Following news that the Empire and Federation have withdrawn from the Pleiades Nebula, contractors in the core systems have reported that Aegis is poised to establish a number of outposts in the region.
The reports indicate that Aegis intends to establish more than twenty orbital outposts in the coming months, to support its ongoing research and defence initiative. Two of these outposts have already been built, and construction of a third is expected to begin soon.
Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, commented briefly on the news:
“In my view it is imperative that Aegis has a consolidated presence in the Pleiades, close to the centre of Thargoid activity. Fortunately our backers in the Alliance, Empire and Federation agree with me.”Update from Galnet News

Oct 20

Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A number of the galaxy’s most powerful figures have commented on the current galactic landscape, addressing issues such as the return of Thargoids and the recent discovery of outposts formerly occupied by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.
At a society event in the Cubeo system, Princess Aisling Duval said:
“I read the INRA records, and frankly I was sickened. How could they treat living creatures that way? I’ve heard of governments inventing threats to support their military programmes. Maybe that’s what the INRA was. A smokescreen.”
Duval was ushered away from reporters by her publicist before she could say any more.
Senator Denton Patreus, who has spent little time in the public eye since his defeat of the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn, made the following statement on the ‘Galaxy Now’ programme:
“I have reviewed much of the available intelligence on the Thargoids, and it is clear that we are facing a formidable threat. Granted, we do not know the reasons for their hostility, but in my experience such details are rarely important – what’s important is knowing where and when to strike.”
“The formation of Aegis is in my view a sound strategy, and represents a sensible response to this threat. Furthermore, I know Aden Tanner well, and I wholeheartedly believe he is the right man to be guiding Aegis’s military strategy.”
Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation, also offered an appraisal of the situation:
“If there’s one thing these INRA logs make plain it’s that humanity is capable of defeating the Thargoids, especially when we work together. And remember, most of the galaxy is functioning exactly as it always has, despite the presence of these alien aggressors. So let’s maintain some perspective, shall we?”Update from Galnet News

Oct 20

Galactic News: Halsey Comments on End of Cold War

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

With the news that the Empire has withdrawn its fleets from the Pleiades Nebula, apparently signalling the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has commented on the cessation of hostilities.
Addressing a large crowd in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim, Halsey said:
“Like many of you, I rejoiced when I heard the Federation had recalled its ships. But my jubilation was undercut by the knowledge that our protests and entreaties had failed to move a single Federal or Imperial vessel. Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”
“I would like to believe that the Federation and Empire have learned from this experience, but I suspect they have not. But I promise you that I will continue to help those affected by such conflicts, for as long as I am able.”Update from Galnet News

Oct 20

Galactic News: Remembrance Campaign Comes to an End

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A spokesperson for the Labour Union of Kauruk has announced that the organisation’s Remembrance Week has been resoundingly endorsed by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots flocked to Moore Terminal over the past week, taking the opportunity to pay their respects to departed friends and loved ones.
As the campaign drew to a close, the spokesperson released a brief statement:
“We would like to thank all those who supported this initiative. We hope it gave you an opportunity not only to celebrate absent friends and family, but also to form new bonds with other members of the galactic community.”
Pilots who contributed to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Moore Terminal in the Kauruk system.Update from Galnet News

Oct 18

Galactic News: Further INRA Bases Discovered

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Further abandoned Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm outposts have been discovered in systems throughout the core.
Records from the sites have shed additional light on the INRA’s activities, and indicate that the mycoid fungus, which was instrumental in countering the Thargoid incursions of the 3100s, was an unplanned by-product of the organisation’s research.
The records also indicate that the INRA tested the mycoid on living Thargoid specimens – a revelation that has already prompted censure from ethical groups.
The following text is taken directly from one of the INRA logs:
“I know there are some who will condemn me for my part in this project. Let them. I harbour no remorse. The Thargoids understand only one thing: destruction. They will not stop until every last one of us has been reduced to dust. We have created a weapon that can prevent such a catastrophe. We have a moral obligation to use it.”
Others employed by the organisation, including the researcher whose work led to the development of the mycoid, took a different view:
“To the public, the INRA is a symbol of all that is possible when superpowers set aside their differences and work together. Well, it might have started off like that, but it’s something very different now. Progress at any cost, might makes right – all our worst impulses channelled into an unaccountable organisation focused solely on making bigger and more powerful weapons.”
Response to the accounts has been mixed. Some commentators have suggested that the INRA’s actions were unethical, while others have opined that it took appropriate measures to defend humanity.
Nestor Cartesius, an Imperial Senator, said:
“It is true that the INRA operated covertly, but there is nothing in the organisation’s past of which we need feel ashamed, and I see no reason for its work to remain secret. The INRA achieved the objectives it was created to fulfil – very successfully, I might add. The pertinent question is if its work can be of value to us now, in the wake of the Thargoids’ return.”Update from Galnet News

Oct 15

Community Goal: Fourth Aegis Initiative

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Aegis’s campaign to counter the rising Thargoid threat has entered its fourth phase. Once again, the tri-superpower organisation has secured financial support from a corporate partner, which has placed an open order for various commodities.
As the campaign began, The Federal Times spoke to Elvira Martuuk, one of many independent engineers contracted by Aegis, who is overseeing this stage of the campaign. Martuuk said:
“The Thargoids’ ability to disable our ships is one of their most formidable weapons. For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a device that I hope will protect human vessels from the Thargoids’ immobilising field.”
The Khun Independent Governance has promised to reward pilots who deliver Thargoid Cyclops Tissue Samples, Coltan and Beryllium to Cremona Prospect in the Khun system.
The campaign begins on the 12th of October 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.Update from Galnet News

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