Community Goal: Growing Independence - Radio Sidewinder

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Oct 07

Community Goal: Growing Independence

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

When the S’jett family was driven out of its home system by Federal-Imperial conflict, it established a new an independent faction in HIP 104292 – the Kuun-Lan.
Since then, the Kuun-Lan has gone from strength to strength. But while its new home has become a haven for miners and traders, one thing is missing: a reliable source of food. The Kuun-Lan has therefore announced plans to establish an agricultural network in HIP 104292, and is calling on the galactic community for support.
The organisation has reserved generous reimbursements for pilots who contribute atmospheric processors, crop harvesters, land enrichment systems, building fabricators, animal monitors and aquaponic systems to the initiative.
A spokesperson for the group released the following statement:
“We hope the galactic community will heed our call and help us secure our independence. If we can successfully complete this campaign, we can improve living standards for millions of people.”
The campaign begins on the 5th of October 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.Update from Galnet News

Oct 07

Galactic News: Winged Hussars Appeal Comes to an End

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A spokesperson for the Winged Hussars has announced that its appeal for rare liquors was enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Zander Dock, the organisation’s base of operations.
A spokesperson for the Winged Hussars has issued the following statement:
“I would like to thank the galactic community for its help, and assure them that their work will bring new business opportunities to this remote region of space. The border colonies are grateful for your efforts, Commanders!”
Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Zander Dock in the HIP 110028 system.Update from Galnet News

Oct 07

Galactic News: Thargoid Threat Continues to Escalate

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Numerous sources have reported that Thargoid activity has escalated dramatically in recent days, with attacks from Thargoid Interceptor-class ships becoming increasingly common in the Pleiades Nebula. Reports confirm that Imperial, Federal and civilian ships have all been targeted. Images captured by survivors of these attacks show Thargoid ships scanning wreckage and gathering debris, including occupied escape pods.
As Aegis continues to analyse the results of these encounters, the organisation’s military liaison, Aden Tanner, released the following statement:
“We are aware that the Interceptors have started capturing escape pods, although we currently have no way of knowing if this is a deliberate strategy or simply a symptom of curiosity. That is not to suggest, of course, that the Thargoids’ motives are benign, as it is clear they are not.”
“Furthermore, the ships we have designated ‘Interceptors’ have started deploying clusters of attack drones, which swarm enemy ships while the Interceptor attacks from range. This significantly enhances the risk presented by the Thargoids, and I urge all pilots operating in the Pleiades to exercise caution.”
“The question is: What is the Thargoids’ objective? All available resources will be directed to answering this question.”Update from Galnet News

Oct 06

Galactic News: Federation Withdraws from Pleiades

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Authorities in systems throughout the Pleiades Nebula have reported that the Federation has withdrawn its ships from the region. The development follows ongoing speculation regarding the Federal-Imperial cold war.
The Federation first deployed ships to the Pleiades over two years ago, in a move that was widely interpreted as an attempt to control the region’s meta-alloys. The Empire responded by positioning several Majestic-class Interdictors in the Pleiades. A period of hostility ensued, with both superpowers engaging in a number of proxy conflicts.
The Imperial Herald’s political correspondent, Daxton Sung, who has repeatedly written about the conflict, said:
“There’s little doubt in my mind that the formation of Aegis served as a catalyst for this development, but the current wave of Thargoid hostility was probably the main cause. President Hudson is keenly aware that to continue to oppose the Empire, when humanity is faced with an alien threat, would do him no favours politically. So I’m not surprised by this development, although I will admit that I didn’t expect the Federation to make the first move.”
Neither the Federation nor the Empire has commented on the issue, but it is expected that the Empire will also withdraw its ships from the Pleiades soon.
Daxton Sung commented:
“I don’t care how cynical Hudson’s motives are – this is good news. And we could certainly use some right about now.”Update from Galnet News

Oct 06

Community Goal: Secret Billionaires’ Campaign

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

The Secret Billionaires, an organisation based in I Carinae, have reported a sharp increase in the number of criminals operating in their system. The organisation has responded with a system-wide operation designed to remove the agitators and restore order. They have placed a kill order on all ships on their wanted list, and have promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Somerset Station.
Secret Billionaires spokesperson Commander Afterglow said:
“After one of our CFOs was pirated, the board decided that a cleanup was long overdue, and they immediately provided credit for an anti-piracy operation.”
“We’re therefore in a position to offer generous rewards to pilots who help us clean up the system. With the support of the galactic community, we should be able to guarantee the safety of our fellow miners and traders.”
The campaign begins on the 5th of October 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.Update from Galnet News

Oct 05

Galactic News: Candy Crew Campaign Concludes

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A spokesperson for the Candy Crew Guild has announced that its appeal for palladium, titanium and robotics was enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Bella Port, the organisation’s base of operations.
The Candy Crew Guild has extended its gratitude to those who supported the campaign.
“We are extremely happy to announce that our plans have succeeded. Work on the Dan Gurney Drive Yards and the Cave Johnson Memorial Science Lab has begun, and these facilities will soon be fully operational. Thank you to all those who supported this initiative.”
Pilots who contributed to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Bella Port in the Irusan system.Update from Galnet News

Oct 04

Galactic News: Thargoids Adapting Rapidly

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’ chief military liaison, has released a statement confirming that the Thargoids have begun adapting to the weapons and tactics developed to combat them.
Admiral Tanner’s statement is reprinted in full below.
“Preliminary reports indicate that although the AX missiles were inflicting significant damage on the Thargoid ships’ ‘heart’ modules, they are now proving less effective. We believe this is due to the Thargoids developing a resistance to the compound carried by the missiles. I am optimistic, however, that the current Aegis initiative will produce weapons capable of overcoming this resistance.”
“Second, we have been informed that the Thargoids are now able to lock onto ships that have deployed countermeasures, although exactly how they are doing this is not yet understood.”
“Previously, Thargoid ships responded to strategic withdrawal by advancing towards the target, even when attacked with missiles. But recent reports indicate that they have started dodging such attacks, particularly when engaged at long range. Finally, the drones deployed by the Thargoid ships have become more accurate, which substantially increases the risk they present to smaller craft.”
“These developments illustrate that we are dealing with a highly intelligent enemy capable of rapidly adapting to our weapons and tactics, and underscore the importance of Aegis’ ongoing anti-Thargoid initiative.”Update from Galnet News

Oct 01

Galactic News: Engineers’ Campaign Concludes

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A spokesperson for Aegis has announced that its appeal for Thargoid-related materials has reached a successful conclusion. Huge quantities of material were delivered to Awyra Flirble and Obsidian Orbital over the past week, following an enthusiastic response from the galactic community. They will now be delivered to the engineers Liz Ryder and Ishmael Palin so they can start work on new technologies to address the mounting Thargoid threat.
As the campaign drew to a close, the spokesperson issued a brief statement:
“Initiatives of this kind are a mainstay of the galactic economy, but this campaign is of singular importance. Humanity is faced with a clear threat to its safety, and we must do everything we can to oppose it.”
“Furthermore, if we are to successfully resist the Thargoids, we will need to develop more advanced technologies. This will not be the last campaign of this kind.”
Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Awyra Flirble in the Eurybia system and Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system.Update from Galnet News

Sep 30

Community Goal: Setting up the Candy Shop

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

The Candy Crew Guild, an independent corporate organisation based in the Irusan system, has announced plans to establish a capital shipyard and a scientific research vessel in its home system. It has placed an open order for various commodities for use in the construction.
Commander Raijiin, head of the organisation, elaborated on the nature of the campaign.
“We need quantities of palladium, titanium and robotics, and we encourage all able and willing pilots to assist us.”
“We are expecting the initiative to attract agitators, but security in the system has been increased and many of our own wings are patrolling the trade lanes, to ensure no crime goes unpunished.”
The Candy Crew Guild has promised to reward pilots who deliver the requested commodities to Bella Port in the Irusan system.
The campaign begins on the 28th of September 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.Update from Galnet News

Sep 30

Galactic News: Further Thargoid Attacks

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

As Aegis’ first campaign to address the Thargoid threat concludes, reports have reached the core systems of further Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades.
On this occasion, a number of Imperial and civilian ships were targeted, with the strikes taking place in HIP 17962, HR 1185, IH-V C2-5 and the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55. The violence is believed to have resulted in a number of human fatalities.
As with the recent attack in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 system, data recovered from the sites indicates that the Thargoids attacked without provocation. Although some of the ships returned fire, none succeeded in destroying or damaging the Thargoid vessels.
Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute and an authority on xeno biology, commented on the news:
“If the Thargoids believe they have some claim to the Pleiades, then what we’re seeing could be territorialism. But it’s equally possible that they see humanity as an enemy, irrespective of where they encounter us. At this stage it’s hard to draw any definite conclusions.”Update from Galnet News

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