Galactic News: Sixth Colonia Appeal Concludes - Radio Sidewinder

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Jun 02

Galactic News: Sixth Colonia Appeal Concludes

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

The sixth Colonia Council migration appeal has come to an end. Hundreds of organisations took part in the campaign, delivering huge quantities of material to Jaques Station in the hope of earning a place in the Colonia Nebula.
The Council is now processing the deliveries to confirm exactly how much has been received. Once the process is complete, the Council will contact the organisations that made the largest contribution, and start work on their new outposts.Update from Galnet News

Jun 02

Galactic News: Superpower Campaigns Conclude

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

The Empire and the Federation have released statements announcing the successful conclusion of their respective campaigns. Both superpowers received huge quantities of construction material over the past week, allowing them to start work on new outposts in the Pleiades region.
The Merope Expeditionary Fleet and the Pleiades Resource Enterprise have extended their gratitude to those who supported their campaigns.
Pilots who contributed to the Federal initiative can collect their rewards from PRE Logistics Support Gamma, while pilots who supported the Imperial campaign can collect their rewards from Moni’s Hub.Update from Galnet News

May 26

Galactic News: Zeus Bureau Appeal Concludes

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A spokesperson for the Zeus Bureau has announced that its appeal for luxury goods has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of tonnes of commodities were delivered to KatherineB over the week, following an enthusiastic response from the galactic community.
As the initiative drew to a close, the organisation released a statement:
“Every pilot who responded to our appeal has our sincerest gratitude. Thanks to you, the event was an unalloyed triumph.”
Reports indicate that the event’s success has already had a positive impact on the economy of Zeus, as evidenced by the fact that The Midas, a Wells-class carrier, has relocated to the system. It is hoped that the vessel will remain in the region to serve as a commercial hub.
Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from KatherineB in the Zeus system.Update from Galnet News

May 25

Galactic News: Order Restored in Colonia

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A spokesperson for the Colonia Council has announced that the agitators causing discord in the Eol Prou Lw-L C8-215 system have been eliminated. Hundreds of pilots supported the operation, taking to their ships to tackle the criminals that had taken root in system. The Junkyard Dogs have also confirmed that security personnel have been stationed at the agitators’ outposts to prevent reoccupation.
As the campaign drew to a close, a spokesperson for the Junkyard Dogs released a statement:
“Colonia is more than just a system – it is a symbol. It cannot be allowed to fall into a quagmire of criminality and corruption like so many of the core systems. It must be protected. The pilots who purged Eol Prou Lw-L C8-215 of the criminals infesting it have our everlasting gratitude.”
Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Tolagarf’s Junkjard.Update from Galnet News

May 25

Galactic News: The Gnosis Takes Flight

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

For the past few days, news feeds in the Varati system have provided extensive coverage of the maiden voyage of the Gnosis, a scientific-research vessel commissioned by the Canonn Interstellar Research Group.
The state-of-the art ship is the result of a community initiative that saw the public contribute huge quantities of material. In fact, the response from the galactic community was so positive that construction was completed ahead of schedule.
The ship has now taken up position in orbit around Varati A6, and has already begun welcoming visitors and dignitaries from the core systems.Update from Galnet News

May 20

Galactic News: Halsey Stages Anti-War Protest

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey held a public demonstration in the Alioth system yesterday in protest of the ongoing conflict between the Empire and the Federation.
More than 30,000 people attended the event, which lasted for several hours and occupied one of the main public plazas in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim.
A number of high-profile speakers and activists addressed the crowd, although Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was notable by his absence. Political commentators were quick to point out, however, that the demonstration could not have taken place without his foreknowledge, if not his explicit approval.
In an address to the crowd, Halsey said:
“As a 20th Century historian once wrote, ‘The underlying reason for war is always economic.’ This conflict has nothing to do with freedom or liberation – it is about resources. And I believe enough people have died to line the pockets of already wealthy individuals in the Federation and the Empire.”
“I speak now directly to President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: It is not too late for you to listen to reason.”
Neither the Empire nor the Federation elected to respond to Halsey’s statement.Update from Galnet News

May 20

Galactic News: Reports Surface of Mysterious Attacks

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Reports have surfaced of mysterious attacks in the Maia system, where eyewitnesses claim to have found the remains of a number of Federal vessels.
According to reports, the damage to the ships’ hulls was not consistent with any known form of weaponry. Furthermore, several observers claim to have seen the so-called unknown ships at the wreckage sites. Attempts to intercept the ships were unsuccessful.
Chief of Federal Security Admiral Aden Tanner, who is understood to be investigating the mysterious ships, addressed the reports:
“These claims are certainly troubling, but I would remind you their veracity has not yet been verified, and I would urge the public to remain calm. Rest assured that we are investigating the matter.”Update from Galnet News

May 19

Community Goal: Trouble in Colonia

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

Recent reports indicate that a number of unauthorised outposts have been detected in the Eol Prou Lw-L C8-215 system. A spokesperson for the Colonia Council confirmed that these outposts are currently occupied by group of agitators, which have already begun targeting pilots in the system.
The Colonia region is a popular emigration destination, but entry is carefully controlled by the system’s governing body, the Colonia Council. Evidently, the system’s latest residents are unconcerned with the Council’s processes.
With the Colonia community still at an early stage and lacking a comprehensive security force, it is relying on the galaxy’s independent combat pilots for military support. The Junkyard Dogs has placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in Eol Prou Lw-L C8-215, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Tolagarf’s Junkjard.
The campaign begins on 18th of May 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.Update from Galnet News

May 19

Community Goal: Zeus Bureau Appeal

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A press release from the Zeus Bureau, an organisation based in Zeus, has revealed that the system will soon host a gathering of some of the galaxy’s most influential people. Figures from the worlds of politics, commerce and culture are scheduled to convene at KatherineB for what is promised to be “an event of unparalleled opulence”.
With the event scheduled to take place next week, the Zeus Bureau has placed an open order for a range of luxury goods, promising to reward those who deliver these commodities to KatherineB in the Zeus system.
A spokesperson for the organisation released a brief statement:
“Some of the most powerful people in the galaxy will attend this event, so it is of the utmost importance that our guests want for nothing. We have therefore placed open orders for Giant Irukama Snails, Kamitra Cigars and Lavian Brandy. We are confident that, with the support of the galactic community, we can create a truly memorable event.”
The appeal begins on 18th of May 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.Update from Galnet News

May 18

Galactic News: Canonn Campaign Concludes

By Black-Bart | Galnet News

A spokesperson for the Canonn Interstellar Research Group has announced that its appeal for indium, computer components and tea has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Zoline Port. The campaign also received the support of hundreds of combat pilots, who protected traders contributing commodities to the campaign. Construction of the deep-space research vessel Gnosis is now underway.
The organisation’s leaders have extended their gratitude to those who supported the campaign.
Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Zoline Port in the LTT 377 system.Update from Galnet News

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